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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 cons

Here are the cons I'm going to try and make this year. IMAGE EXPO February 24-26, Oakland, CA -WONDERCON March 16-18, Anaheim, CA -EMERALD CITY March 30-April 1, Seattle, WA -FANATICON May 12, Ashville, NC -CAKE June 16-17, Chicago, IL -COMICON July 11-15, San Diego, CA -ZINEFEST September 3-4, San Francisco, CA -COMIKAZE September 15-16, Los Angeles, CA -APE October 13-14, San Francisco, CA -BENTCON December 1-2, Los Angeles, CA I've always wanted to go to TCAF but I'm afraid of the customs officials taking my comics and throwing me in jail. I also want to go to SPX, but it's the same weekend as Comikaze.